Vaccine Attitudes and Availability in Eagle Pass

Responder Eric Chan
Project Title Vaccine Attitudes and Availability in Eagle Pass
Start Date 11/17/22
End Date 2/28/23
Project Location: City Eagle Pass
Project Location: County Maverick
Other Student Leaders Bethanne, Bradshaw MS2
Community Partner Organization Methodist Healthcare Ministries
CSL Mentor – Name Fred Campbell
Other Mentors
Is this project interprofessional? Yes
Professions Represented Medical Laboratory Science,Medicine
Project Category Clinical Service
Project Activities Health Screenings
Is this project conducted as part of a student organization? Yes
Student Organization Name Frontera de Salud
Is this project done as part of an academic course (required OR elective)? Yes
Course Name Leadership in CSL Enrichment Elective – ELEC 5044
Community Partner Name Juliet Martinez
Community Partner Job Title Registered Nurse
Total Number of Students on Project Team 15
Number of Community Beneficiaries 25
Total Number of Other Faculty/Staff 0
Number of Other Community Volunteers 20
Mentor Hours 25
Student Leader Hours 25
Total Number of Student Hours 200
Semester Service Hours 50
What type of funding did you use to conduct this project? I did not use any funding for the project.
Mini/Midi Grant Amount Awarded
Did you do this project as part of Federal Work Study from the Office for Financial Aid? No
Did you receive In-Kind Donations for this project? No
Amount of In-Kind Donation $ N/A
CSL Abstract CSL Abstract_ due Jan 10th (1).pdf
CSL Poster Vertical-Display-24wide-For-2023-CSL-Conference_aligned.pdf
Challenges Out of 40 participants who completed the survey, 17 of them either received the Influenza vaccine at the event or had received it prior to the event. The vaccination rate of those who participated in the survey was 42.5% which is significantly higher than Maverick County’s vaccination rate in 2021, which was 20.67%, but still lower than Texas vaccination rate of 43.2% and the national vaccination rate of 50.2%. Results could have been affected by factors such as non-response bias as not all who attended the event wanted to complete a survey.
Lessons Learned In the future, we would like to host education seminars that address vaccine safety, efficacy, and dispel prevalent myths that still circulate amongst the general public.
Success Story 40 Respondents participated in the survey given out, and 12 of those individuals consented to receiving the flu vaccine, while 5 had already received the vaccine prior to the event.  51.2% of respondents get vaccinated on a yearly basis, 19.5% of respondents sometimes get vaccinated, and 29.3% never get vaccinated. From survey results, access to vaccination sources does not seem to be an issue. 85.4% of participants said they knew of a place to get vaccinated, and only 9.8% said they did not know of a place to get vaccinated. Vaccine hesitancy myths, specifically fear of getting the flu from the vaccine itself, was prevalent amongst respondents. 57.5% of participants agreed with the statement that an individual who receives the flu vaccine could possibly get the flu from the vaccine itself.
Conferences Where You Presented Project UT Health SA CSL Conference
Publications of your Project None